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Proud to be Indian

The 75th Independence Day of our country was celebrated in CJM with enthusiasm and patriotic spirit with the theme ‘A nation’s culture resides in the heart and and the soul of its people.

The day began with a flag hoisting ceremony in the school .All the teaching and non-teaching staff commemorated Independence Day. The chief guests for the ceremony were the toppers of the SSC and HSC examinations, Mst. Harshad Gosavi and Ms. Khadija Menon respectively.

The Principal, Sr. Lavita gave a wonderful message extolling all to become the proponents of peace and harmony; and being aware of our golden heritage not only as our right but also as our duty and responsibility as citizens.

A virtual celebration was arranged for the students with a prayer service for the well being of our great nation. This was followed by motivational speeches by the HSC and SSC toppers.The celebration thus gave the message that the beauty of India lies in its unique heterogeneity.

15th August is also celebrated as the feast of the Assumption of our blessed Virgin Mary.This feast day recalls the spiritual and physical departure of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ from the earth. Special Prayers were offered through her intercession for God’s blessings upon all countrymen, so that all of us like Mary may experience the joy of true freedom.

The celebration ended with a video on tribute to our motherland.


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