The sixth day of the Novena to Blessed Dina Belanger assembly was conducted on September 1st, 2021 via Google meet in classes from Std III to Std XII. Std VI was in charge of preparing the novena.
The power point presentations, videos prayers brought out the theme, “Blessed Dina teach us to live in faithfulness to our baptism in our life choices.”
Blessed Dina was open to apostolic and missionary life and had a strong desire to help others, especially priests and religious, deepen their relationship with Jesus. “In all my actions, my words, my thoughts, and my desires I find myself to be passive, as if under the influence of the Supreme Being, as if the Spirit of Love had his soft yet strong guiding hand on me. My freedom is total, and in that state there is no conflict. His grace is simply so strong that I cannot resist.” Her sole occupation became one of continually directing her attention to God.
During this Novena each one of us is reminded that God is always faithful to answer. Sometimes His answer is a much desired “yes.” Sometimes His answer is a merciful “no.” Sometimes His answer is a faith-building “not yet.” And sometimes . . . sometimes, when an answer cannot be found, His answer is simply “Trust Me.”