The fifth day of the Novena to Blessed Dina Belanger, assembly was conducted on August 31, 2021 via Google meet in all the classes from Std III to Std XII. The theme for the assembly was, “Blessed Dina teach us the value of self-forgetfulness to bear much fruit.” STD VII was in charge of the fifth day novena.
Dina by her exemplary life showed how one can keep the selfish nature in control and keep balance in everything. There is always a light of the right path that is present inside every human being which keeps guiding us, one needs to seek out that light of hope and truth as well as hold on to it, then everyone will surely be a better person.
The virtual assembly gave a deep insight to each and every member of CJM family that Self-forgetfulness doesn’t become a punishment but a door to a truly happy life.