An orientation was organized for the students of standard IX on the theme ‘Media’ on 27th November,2020 in four batches. The resource person for the day was Fr. Velson Fernandes, a priest from Porvorim community, Goa.
Fr Velson spoke about the various types of media and the influence of multimedia which has become an integral part of life. Through the Orientation students were made aware about the manipulative ill effects of media and the vigilance needed while using media with caution and care like how to be aware of the content exposed to and analyse and question it. It was emphasized that one needs to reflect and judge whether it is aligned to our values or requires us to compromise on our belief systems
Students were ingrained with the fact that there’s possibility of how media can be used to perpetuate wrong ideas or bring about positive changes in society. The Orientation was supplemented by videos of a few advertisements and questions were asked to help students understand how to analyse the content and influence of the ads.
The sessions were interactive & quite informative and the students participated enthusiastically.