On 14 July 2023, the French language students from Std. 8, Std. 9 and Std. 10 celebrated the French National Day (La Fête Nationale) guided by their French teacher, Ms Sanika Thaware with much enthusiasm. The school assembly was conducted around this theme and students shared information about this day’s historical importance, interesting facts about France, a Bastille Day poem by Sabine Aussenac, and a French thought of the day. They also encouraged other students to get involved in the celebrations by learning a new word, ‘bonjour’. The assembly was very well received and thoroughly informative and enjoyable.

What’s more, the highlight was the students creating a French Corner in the school porch to commemorate the celebrations. Artwork such as the French tricolour, Eiffel Tower, a French cheese map and so on was displayed.

Bonne Fête Nationale!