The beauty of the language lies in its literature and how you present it.
Hat speech competition was held in school today and the students of Std VIII put forth their thoughts on the given topics. The girls presented their ideas on stage.
The Blue House won the competition and carried the trophy with pride.
Red House
1.A family tradition
2.Burning the midnight oil
3.The world of tomorrow
4.The role of students in Free India
Blue House
1.If you had the power what would you change
2.The hardest thing I have ever done
3.Kindness is contagious – pass it on
4.Manners maketh man
Yellow House
1.Benefits of yoga
2.Pride goes before a fall
3.Travel broadens the mind
4.Looking at the bright side of life
Green House
1.Laughter is the best medicine
2.What independence means to me
3.The Value of Discipline
4.Is Cyber bulling an issue to be taken seriously
Dharini N.Bhat