Our school library is a store house of knowledge. Students and staff have easy access to a variety of resources and references. The library contains a number of books, periodicals and digital media. These items are not only for education, enjoyment and entertainment of all the members of the school community but also to enhance and expand the school curriculum.
Our school library is very well maintained, in which the librarian, teachers and administrators work together to provide an opportunity for the social, cultural and educational growth of the students.
More than a mere classroom, the Biology laboratory is the place where students explore the living world around them. It is in the laboratory that students learn to practice the activities of scientists – asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data, analyzing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore.
The interactive whiteboard used in the classrooms to create a stimulating and interactive environment conducive for learning.
Sports and Games curriculum is an integral part of school to build character and teach the importance of discipline. Qualified coaches are involved in the task.
The place where things go boom. Our chemistry lab is packed with compounds to stimulate the mind.
We have a well equipped computer room with 25 computers in it. Our qualified and well trained staff help in providing our children with knowledge to be able to use the information technology to its maximum capacity.